Author of “A Love Story: The Truth about Faith”, Asha is a literary artist, paradigm-shifter, physique competitor, and podcast hostess. She has a blazing passion to help others become the highest version of themselves possible by encouraging them to boldly face the harsh experiences life presents and turning them into springboards instead of pitfalls. She unashamedly writes about her personal experiences in such a way that leads her readers through her life as a story from darkness to light. Furthermore, she speaks unashamedly on her podcast Authenticity the Hard Way about these experiences which broadens the scope of just how powerful an unrelenting soul can be. Here's what one of Medium's own writers has to say about Asha:

Asha is another writer whose work is coming from a source of something you cannot invent, cannot fake. If I removed context from the words she uses, and took them from the Internet and instead showed them to you, chiseled in stone in ancient Greek, or spoken in a Tolkien fantasy - a heroine standing in defiance of something very big and deadly - her words would serve the place and purpose seamlessly. She's a powerful force. [She is] a seeker from another dimension. -J.R. Schaefers

Medium member since April 2020
Friend of Medium since April 2024
Asha Zalika

Asha Zalika

Book Author

Friend of Medium

The price of authenticity is high but its value is priceless. Join my podcast Authenticty the Hard Way